Important Links

Burning Man 10 Principals

The 10 Principals of Burning Man were crafted not as a dictate of how people should be and act, but as a reflection of the community’s ethos and culture as it had organically developed since the event’s inception.

Event Guides

The text based what-where-when, The Salamander Sheet, DUST, and the Survival Guide

Event Map

A general location reference to help you find theme camps, porta potties, art, the firewood depot, volunteer stations, etc.

Buy Firewood

One load of wood collected from the wood depot. A generous 2 piece deep layer from a IBC tote, probably a bit more than you think.

Decompression Information

We’re not done yet! Decompression is happening March 28 - 30th at an indoor/outdoor retreat space just down the road from Marvin’s Mountaintop! This event is meant for Frostburn attendees only.

Ticket Code: snowflake25

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