Volunteer Frostburn 2025
Gate Staff/Greeter:
LEADS : Ivan & GrooveCat
You will be helping to greet and check people in at the gate. Give the gift of starting someone's burn with a great memory!
Gate is warm and cozy, and may be a welcome retreat from your tent.
Frost Rangers:
LEADS : MamaGoat & Bryan & Nightfall
Frostburn Rangers are Regional Rangers and members of our community who have volunteered to facilitate the safety and well being of the community at Frostburn. Modeled after the Midwest Burner InterRangers and the Black Rock Rangers of Burning Man, Rangers are a non-confrontational mediating entity. Rangers participate by practicing the Art of Rangering, which includes helping fellow community members find solutions to their problems. Rangers are not cops, not your parents, and are not trying to stop you from having fun! Rangers are typically the first responders and liaisons with other Frostburn volunteers.
Frosty First Aid:
LEADS : NinjaKitten & Lacey & (maybe YOU?)
Volunteers are needed to help with First Aid administration and to be a part of the Frostburn medical response team. The Frostburn organization is legally limited in what procedures we can treat so being a high level medic is not necessarily required.
Department of Public Works (DPW):
LEADS : Sparrow & Salamander & (maybe YOU?)
Do you like touching tents ?
Want to learn how to put up BIG tents ?
Help build the gate tent that welcomes everyone!
Need to add something to the WWW?
Got a question about placement or parking?
Conclave/Fire Safety:
LEAD : Lexicon & (maybe YOU?)
Before we burn the Effigy on Saturday night, fire dancers will have the opportunity to celebrate our community in improvisational flaming fashion.
Conclave symbolizes the gathering of our temporary community prior to the release of our Effigy under the night sky.
By becoming one with Conclave, you will be able to participate and gift your fire art in radical self-expression.
~~ We welcome ALL flow artists and fire performers of ALL ages, abilities, and artistic aesthetic ~~
Just be sure to be sober, grab your tea, get cozy in non-synthetic fibers,
and attend Fire Safety meeting (2pm Saturday @ the effigy).
Please bring a friend that knows how to safety you ;P
Fire Perimeter:
LEAD : Bosco & (maybe YOU?)
Fire perimeter volunteers will need to stand sober for about an hour to hold a safe space around the effigy and the temple.
Natural material (canvas, cotton, leather, etc.) required for your most outer layer.
Please attend Fire Safety meeting (2pm, Saturday @ the effigy).
Sanctuary :
LEAD: (Maybe YOU?)
Sanctuary is a blank canvas, a low-stimulation quiet room in the middle of the playa that can be used for respite when needed.
Got general questions or concerns about volunteering? Email support@frostburn.org
Become a Team Lead
The BOD is looking for team leads to help Frostburn 2024 become a reality.
Frostburn is entirely volunteer run and team-leaders are the backbones of our community!
We're always looking to add action-oriented participants.
EMAIL us at bod@frostburn.org.
Include your desired position in the subject. Tell us about your experience at Frostburn and/or other burns, and why you think you'd make a good fit for our team. Feel free to ask any questions you have about the position! We were all new to this at one point.